4) Publish to PDF
By default, publishing in MATLAB creates an HTML page and supporting files.
However, Portable Document Format (pdf) is more convenient for many users
and for uploading to Learn@UW dropboxes.
To publish your work to PDF, you must configure the publish tool.
Save both configuration options and then you will be able to choose which publishing
option you wish to perform for this program script.
To add an option for publishing your solution to a PDF file:
- Be sure that the editor window for your m-File is active (highlighted).
Move your cursor over File -> Publish Configuration for script.m ->
Edit Publish Configurations for file.m from the Menu bar.
- In the Edit Configurations dialog box,
click the Add Configuration button
and select Publish Configuration.
- Change the name of the configuration to pdf.
- Change the Output file format to pdf.
- Click Close to save your newly added configuration.
When completed, your Edit Configuration dialog should look
like this.
The new configuration can be used to create PDF versions
of your work.
5) To change your default Publishing Format and other options:
- Be sure that the editor window for your m-File is active (highlighted).
Move your cursor over File -> Publish Configuration for script.m ->
Edit Publish Configurations for file.m from the Menu bar.
- In the Edit Configurations dialog box,
select User Default from the Publish Settings dropdown menu.
- Change all configuration settings fields as you desire.
- Click the Save As... button.
- Select User Default
- Click Overwrite to save the new settings as your default.